HTS - Hotel Tiffany Sa
HTS stands for Hotel Tiffany Sa
Here you will find, what does HTS stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Hotel Tiffany Sa? Hotel Tiffany Sa can be abbreviated as HTS What does HTS stand for? HTS stands for Hotel Tiffany Sa. What does Hotel Tiffany Sa mean?The based company is located in engaged in hospitality industry.
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Alternative definitions of HTS
- High Throughput Screening
- Home Team Sports
- Highway Transportation System
- high temperature superconductors
- Human Terrain System
- Hatteras Financial Corp
- high tensile strength
- HARM Targeting System
View 121 other definitions of HTS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- H4R High 4 Records
- HHA Huse Hill Associates
- HV Home the Venue
- HBHBA Hampton By Hilton Bristol Airport
- HVE Hotel Victoria Express
- HN Here and Now
- HSP Hello Social Pl
- HHF Heartland Home Finance
- HSS Horizon Software Solutions
- HHV Holtz House of Vehicles
- HESI Humane Educational Society Inc
- HSPIA HSP Inspection As
- HOT House of Oliver Twist
- HIWSI HI Way Safety Inc
- HSHA Humane Society of Harrisburg Area
- HRES High Rise Escape Systems
- HSD Head Start Design
- HP Honda of Pasadena
- HPA Hilltop Park Associates